A symbiosis of time and space. A place steeped in history, and the setting for your holiday happiness. Weisses Kreuz blends distinctive features to create unique charm. Enjoy the flair of our 47 rooms and suites.

Spring is in the air - we are open again from 12th april for your vacation! Save your spot in the sun!

From room to space. From chique to classic.

We are hosts through and through. Hoteliers with a passion. Genuine gourmets. We live for what we do and cannot wait to welcome you to our hotel in Burgusio.

- Mara, Marlene & Marc
Our romance between good food and good wine. We only serve you what we love.
Our rooms and suites enchant with their timeless interior design and valuable materials in a historical setting.
Room overview
Modern exposed concrete nestles against 800-year-old walls. The Mansion zum Löwen is a gateway to the past.
The Mansion
Sometimes you might think that time has stood still in Burgeis. It's quiet here. Idyllic, some would say.
Experience South Tyrol

The Hotel Weisses Kreuz is in a land that
marches to the beat of a different drum.
Quieter, calmer.

You’ll need to look elsewhere if you want dazzling spectacles and flashy entertainment. We have other priorities: Pure relaxation. Heartfelt hospitality. Fine food and drink. The experience of nature. Zest for life. For decades, our hotel has been synonymous with relaxing holidays in South Tyrol. A refuge for anyone looking for a truly unique hotel in South Tyrol. The adults-only Hotel Weisses Kreuz and the Mansion zum Löwen exude history. You’ll find traces of history everywhere you look: Ancient Roman roads, gothic parlours and Renaissance-era rooms. A one-of-a-kind place, looked after with care, devotion and dedication: Your design hotel South Tyrol in Burgusio.


Our guests’ satisfaction is the greatest recognition we can receive for the work we do. Nonetheless we are also grateful to receive prestigious prizes and awards.
Gault Millau South Tyrol Guide - 4 "Hauben" and 17 points for Mamesa restaurant
4 "Hauben" and 17 points for Mamesa restaurant
Falstaff Restaurant Guide - 94 points for our Mamesa restaurant
94 points for our Mamesa restaurant
Falstaff Spa Award - 94 points
94 points
Schlemmer Atlas 4 "Bestecke" for the Mamesa
4 "Bestecke" for the Mamesa
The big restaurant and hotel guide - 4 "Hauben" and rising star of the year for our Mamesa
4 "Hauben" and rising star of the year for our Mamesa
Savoir Vivre Gourmet Magazin - highest rating with 3+ suns for our Mamesa restaurant
highest rating with 3+ suns for our Mamesa restaurant
Relax Guide Rating: 2 lilies, 16 points
Rating: 2 lilies, 16 points
Gault Millau Hotelguide  -  one of the best hotels in South Tyrol
one of the best hotels in South Tyrol
Award GEO season - one of the 100 most beautiful hotels in Europe
GEO season - one of the 100 most beautiful hotels in Europe
Award „South Tyrol Historic Hospitality Business of the Year 2016“
„South Tyrol Historic Hospitality Business of the Year 2016“
Design price „Premio internazionale di architettura e design“
„Premio internazionale di architettura e design“
d.prize "international price for hotel interieur design"
"international price for hotel interieur design"
us on

Fascinating insights.

Beautiful views and unforgettable moments. Follow us on Instagram. But beware! Our pictures will spark your wanderlust!


Discover our wellness offers in the architecture hotel

Vitalizing water.
Mountain view.
Dive into the 20 meter infinity outdoor pool.
Time out from everyday life.
Aura mea –
the world of well-being.
More peace and quiet.
More relaxation.
More vitality for me.
Applications & packages
At up to 90 degrees, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the outside.
Pool & Sauna
Explore your limits. Find your center. Stay active. Or finally find peace.
Yoga & Fitness
Our offers & packages
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